Sponsorship Rates





Product Sampling Opportunities

OSM VIP Public Relations Campaigns
Be part of our ongoing Organic Spa Magazine PR efforts by providing samples for our OSM Gift Bags that are shipped to top A-list national print and broadcast media contacts or samples for VIP media events that Organic Spa Magazine will be producing or sponsoring. Details TBD.
Rate: $1,000 participation fee per mailing or event
Requirement: 50-200 full size samples

Celebrity Green/Eco-Gifting Suites
Be part of Organic Spa Magazine’s overall sponsorship at the Sundance Film Festivals, The Oscars, The Emmys, and other celebrity events. This is a great opportunity to come in under the OSM umbrella and have the chance to get your products in the hands of celebrities attending these events.
Rate: $1,500-$2,500 participation fee, depending on the event
Requirement: 50-200 full size samples